Copyright © 2020 Quotronics Ltd. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reproduction without permission prohibited.
Customs, Import Taxes and Brokerage Fees International shipments may often include additional charges such as import fees, taxes or brokerage fees assessed by Customs or the carrier. These are billed at the time the package is delivered and not by us. It is the responsibility of the customer to pay any secondary fees associated with importing goods from the U.K. to their Country. We cannot guess or advise as to the exact amounts of any additional fees that will be charged by your local Government, Customs or brokerage. Import fees, Customs fees and brokerage fees vary from Country to Country depending on the merchandise being imported. For information on Customs, import and brokerage fees please contact your local Customs service. Quotronics Limited reserve the right to change product specifications in the light of continuing development. ORDER CANCELLATION POLICY Once a 'Contract of Sale' has been submitted by you and received by Quotronics Limited (via letter, fax or email) then you will have entered into a binding Contract of sale. If you 'refuse to accept' then you will be in breach of Contract. By 'refusing to accept' you will be liable for damages for non-acceptance under the Sale of Goods Act 1979. These damages will include administration costs, any special alterations to the order and 100% of the contract price, including any deposit, at the time you entered into the contract. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Quotronics Limited provides support to all clients through the usual channels of telephone or e-mail and is pleased to answer questions at any time regarding its products. Software updates for Standard machines will be free of charge for one year from the date of purchase.
Copyright © 2020 Quotronics Ltd. All Rights Reserved Worldwide. Reproduction without permission prohibited.
Customs, Import Taxes and Brokerage Fees International shipments may often include additional charges such as import fees, taxes or brokerage fees assessed by Customs or the carrier. These are billed at the time the package is delivered and not by us. It is the responsibility of the customer to pay any secondary fees associated with importing goods from the U.K. to their Country. We cannot guess or advise as to the exact amounts of any additional fees that will be charged by your local Government, Customs or brokerage. Import fees, Customs fees and brokerage fees vary from Country to Country depending on the merchandise being imported. For information on Customs, import and brokerage fees please contact your local Customs service. Quotronics Limited reserve the right to change product specifications in the light of continuing development. ORDER CANCELLATION POLICY Once a 'Contract of Sale' has been submitted by you and received by Quotronics Limited (via letter, fax or email) then you will have entered into a binding Contract of sale. If you 'refuse to accept' then you will be in breach of Contract. By 'refusing to accept' you will be liable for damages for non- acceptance under the Sale of Goods Act 1979. These damages will include administration costs, any special alterations to the order and 100% of the contract price, including any deposit, at the time you entered into the contract. TECHNICAL SUPPORT Quotronics Limited provides support to all clients through the usual channels of telephone or e-mail and is pleased to answer questions at any time regarding its products. Software updates for Standard machines will be free of charge for one year from the date of purchase.